Returns a handle to the currently active symbol. ActSymDef : Handle; Returns a handle to the last object created in MiniPascal. Returns nil if no objects have been created yet. LNewObj : Handle; Receives a coordinate point location and if that point is near a graphic point it returns a HANDLE to that object PickObject(X,Y : REAL) : HANDLE; Receives a HANDLE to a folder within the symbol library and returns a HANDLE to the first object within that folder FInFolder(FolderHandle : HANDLE) : HANDLE; Receives a HANDLE to a layer and returns the HANDLE to the first object on that layer FInLayer( LayerHandle : HANDLE) : HANDLE; Receives a HANDLE to a symbol definition in a symbol library and returns a HANDLE to the first object within the symbol definition FInSymDef( SymbolDefHandle : HANDLE) : HANDLE; Receives a HANDLE to a 3D object and returns a HANDLE to the first object inside the 3D object FIn3D(ThreeDHandle : HANDLE) : HANDLE; Receives a HANDLE to a group and returns a HANDLE to the first object inside the group FInGroup( GroupHandle : HANDLE) : HANDLE; Returns a HANDLE to the first object in the current document's symbol library FSymDef : HANDLE; Receives a HANDLE to a graphic object and returns a HANDLE to its corresponding layer GetLayer(ObjectHandle : HANDLE) : HANDLE; Returns a HANDLE to the first selected object on the layer specified by the HANDLE LayerHandle FSObject( LayerHandle : HANDLE) : HANDLE; Returns a HANDLE to the currently active layer ActLayer : HANDLE; Returns a HANDLE to the last layer in a drawing LLayer : HANDLE; Returns a HANDLE to the first layer in a drawing FLayer : HANDLE; Receives an object name and returns a HANDLE to the object which has that name GetObject(Name : STRING) : HANDLE; Returns a HANDLE to the currently active spreadsheet ActSSheet : HANDLE; Return a HANDLE to the last selected object on the active layer LSActLayer : HANDLE; Return a HANDLE to the first selected object on the active layer FSActLayer : HANDLE; Returns a HANDLE to the first object on the active layer FActLayer : HANDLE; Returns a handle to the last object in the active document. LObject : HANDLE; Returns a handle to the first object in the active document. FObject : HANDLE;